Parkview Pet Center - Veterinary Clinic i Doha

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QatarParkview Pet Center - Veterinary Clinic



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30 Al Hedaya Street, Madinat Khalifa North, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4417 1560
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Latitude: 25.332455, Longitude: 51.478355

Kommentar 5

  • Anurag Bhatt

    Anurag Bhatt


    Dr Clara is one of the best Vet I have met so far for my pets. She has an aura which makes the pets really comfortable. She knows how to handle things. Very profound knowledge. Thank you

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    Irina Mednaya


    Amazing doctor.Which helped my dog alot!

  • Stephanie Brand

    Stephanie Brand


    Had a cat that was sick. Took it to park view for a check up. The vet done lots of unnecessary tests which comviently cost a fortune and missed Out the ones she actually needed. Aparently the cat ‘messed itself’ and she had to be groomed costing 500qr!! For a haircut! He then sold us vitamins at 250qr claiming it was medication that she needed. We later discovered this was untrue. We have since taken her to a fantastic vet elsewhere although Park view cost me 1500qr for a lot of stuff I didn’t need. Purely about profit and charging extortionate prices and they didn’t even discover the reason for the sickness. Won’t be going near the place again and recommend to AVOID unless you like spending money for fun!

  • Ashwin Baker

    Ashwin Baker


    Had a seriously ill cat, the vet performed the wrong tests and gave us the wrong medication. End result was our cat nearly dying from a viral infection because it was incorrectly diagnosed with a bacterial infection. We were then ripped off for 500qr to get the cat trimmed because it urinated on itself whilst getting its nailed clipped. So to cut a long story short we were ripped off and our cat nearly died. Go to the Canadian Veterinary its far better and more reasonably priced.

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    Niniko Kacharava


    Nice service and the staff is very friendly. But the prices are through the roof! Get ready to leave couple of hundreds riyal there just for a simple check up and a deworming tablet. I went there twice and decided to look for a more reasonable place.

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