Petra Restaurant مطعم البتراء i Doha

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QatarPetra Restaurant مطعم البتراء



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4462 2954
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Latitude: 25.2620021, Longitude: 51.557242

Kommentar 5

  • Bobby Abraham

    Bobby Abraham


    A convenient and cost effective quick grab place

  • Kiran Ulaganathan

    Kiran Ulaganathan


    Love this place inexpensive, good food love the meat Shawarma plate

  • Khalid Alhajri

    Khalid Alhajri


    they have really good take away food chicken or beef also cheese pie I love it. they have two chairs to have quick bit if you got lucky enough to set. my recommendation is to try Falafel as well as they are famous of make in it in the right way. Parking is not an issue . it's better to call them and keep your order ready when you arrive.

  • Chris Noel

    Chris Noel


    Love this place. Had delicious food. Really love their shawarma and falafel sandwich. Got me to love Arabian food. All expatriates should go to this place. You’ll definitely will get addicted to the food. It Happened to me. Cheap and best food. Doesn’t upset your stomach unlike few other restaurants. I always leave this place with a smile and a full stomach.

  • A F

    A F


    Arabic fast food. Mediterranean cuisine. One of the oldest places in Qatar. They are known for their shawarma. Flafel shawarma , chicken shawarma , beef shawarma and they also serve some dishes like Kushri. Food is just awesome and the cooking is live. Always good choice for breakfast and dinner. One has to pay and order. Their is not much seating at this place as it’s like on the go concept. And it does not have any outside seating as well. Not sure if they deliver or not. They only accept Cash. No credit card accepted.

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