Qatar Veterinary Center Duhail i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarQatar Veterinary Center Duhail



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Duhail، Latitude and Longitude : N 25° 21.417' E 51° 28.247'، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4414 8540
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Latitude: 25.356804, Longitude: 51.473586

Kommentar 5

  • Erika Mutesah

    Erika Mutesah


    Unrealistic prices.. Shame !

  • Julie Coleman

    Julie Coleman


    Excellent treatment for my cat. 😊

  • Thomas Rolt

    Thomas Rolt


    What shame! Been in Qatar 6 years and have seen this Vet turn from one who genuinely cared about animals and owners to one that is only interested in money and appointments. My cat died this week, and although not the fault of the QVC, the service I received was absolutely disgusting and did not help me at all. I have had 5 animals registered here, after my experiences this week, I will be moving them all elsewhere. What QVC wanted to charge for 1000QR, I was seen elsewhere for 100QR, was told 3 different things, and was accused of verbal abuse. On your website it says, "Standing out from the rest..." QVC you certainly don't stand out from the rest, not anymore.

  • en

    Marc Brown


    They seen us on sort notice. They (the staff and Dr. Harvey @ the Duhail Office) were professional and courteous. Our cat (Belle) were in no distress with Dr. Harvey....she loves her job and cares about animals. The only thing we did not like was that they had a male cat waiting outside for the clinic to open and he was aggressive and very much seeking confrontation with our cat. They were not punctual opening and we had the first appointment of the day. Besides that, we are very pleased and will go back.

  • en

    Simon Tanios


    Excellent and fast professional service with care. Keep it up

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