Rayhan Medical Complex i Doha

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QatarRayhan Medical Complex



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Street 32, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4433 5400
Internet side: www.rayhanmedical.qa
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Latitude: 25.3346836, Longitude: 51.4766179

Kommentar 5

  • Muna AlDerham

    Muna AlDerham


    Customer service is great: registration, appointments...etc Doctors and nurses are experienced, equiped and caring. Surgical area and waiting rooms are comfortable. You can use insurance. There is a pharmacy. There are many types of services ranging from beauty to health. Over all I think its great.

  • Tarek Ouerghemmi

    Tarek Ouerghemmi


    I am not satisfied with the system in this clinic, i had blood tests that costed me 900 QR and the doctor called me to inform me about the results. But they refuse to send me my results on my whatsapp or email, they want me to go there and see the doctor again to get my results, while i live far from the clinic and the doctor already told me and explained to me everything on the phone and there s no need for me to go there again. Above all, the girl in the reception talked to me in a careless way. This is very outdated and a private clinic should be putting the patient s comfort first. So i pay 900 QR and 650 QR for consultation and ultrasound and almost 200 QR for medicines, and after all this they don't bother to send me the results to my email by one click. Very unsatisfied and i do not recommend this clinic, it s expensive in vain.

  • Plains Plains

    Plains Plains


    Very professional medical center, friendly reception staffs

  • Amira Wehliye

    Amira Wehliye


    The customer service exp. in this office is incredible,from scheduling appts to when you arrive. I cannot imagine going anywhere else. Dr. Chaza Alchaher is awesome! She is so sweet, professional and diligent. She made the experience so much better and went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and reassured. I cannot recommend this office enough, especially Dr. Chaza as your go to Gynecologist!

  • Fit-Yogi-Ness Stockton

    Fit-Yogi-Ness Stockton


    Very bad experience I waited for 1hr from my appointment time to see the doctor, no one came to me to say anything and I asked and they told me to wait 5 min more and in that moment another lady was passing, that means that I had to wait for a person more. Very bad appointment system, it is not normal to wait that long when you have appointment in a private clinic. Definitely i do not recommend this place.

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