Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarSheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel



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Al Corniche Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4485 4444
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Latitude: 25.318338, Longitude: 51.5361518

Kommentar 5

  • Michael Raffa

    Michael Raffa


    Not knowing what to expect on my first business trip to Doha, I couldn’t have been happier with the top level attention to detail the hotel staff provided. While the rooms are a little bit “dated”, the room was very comfortable and peaceful. While I visited during Ramadan, the hotel accommodated their western hotel guests with everything they needed. Having Ambassador Elite status added that personal touch to ensure I was welcomed and everything was perfect.

  • Natallia Nassif

    Natallia Nassif


    Amazing place, going to the beach there quite often- it's 100 riyals in Lady's day, children up to 5 years free. Has a lavish green valley with beautiful, spacious, shaded gaziboz. Nice pool and a very clean beach, water is shallow though. There is also a children playground with nice equipment. Entry fee includes towels and free water. Will highly recommend it for families to have a relaxing gateway.

  • Youlen Lawrence

    Youlen Lawrence


    I've been to the Sheraton for various reasons. From the food festival, Full moon yoga to experiencing the night life. All have been pleasant experiences.

  • Shabana Bibi

    Shabana Bibi


    I visited the Atrium Lounge today for what I thought would be a delicious meal and wonderful experience for both me and my family. Having visited the Sheraton in other locations I expected this to be a delightful day. Unfortunately, I was incredibly disappointed with the service and quality of the food provided. It was far from hospitable. We had to wait for over an hour for our food and once it arrived, it was freezing cold and all the dishes had to be sent back. By this point the children were so hungry that they wanted to just eat the cold food until I insisted for it to be sent back. The food came back with the fries being over cooked and the salad dry as it had been warmed up. After waiting for an hour and a half to eat, the food was less than adequate in its quality. I then ordered tea and dessert, only for the tea to arrive 20 minutes before the dessert instead of at the same time. The staff consistently ignored us and served others who appeared to be regular customers first even though they arrived after us. No concessions were made for the poor quality of food and service we were provided with. I am incredibly shocked and disappointed that this terrible and far from hospitable experience that me and my family experienced was from the Sheraton hotel, a hotel which has been recommended to me and I held in high regard until today. I am afraid to say this has not left a very good impression of the hotel and has made me rethink any future bookings or visits to the hotel.

  • K Losell

    K Losell


    Beautiful hotel with a great view. Fantastic amenities. A large gym and outdoor basketball and tennis courts. An Irish style pub where you can have some drinks and pretty good pub food. Pub's prices are pretty steep outside of happy hour. Inside smoking in the pub which is also kind of rare these days.

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