Souq Waqif Art Center i Doha

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QatarSouq Waqif Art Center



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4417 6204
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Latitude: 25.2864452, Longitude: 51.5321737

Kommentar 5

  • Victor Mittri

    Victor Mittri


    Heart of doha, very small place and space few rooms demonstrating some artistic works

  • en

    Lynne Todd


    Amazing place, watch artists at work in this AC cooled Art Gallery. Small shops with lovely artwork. The building is worth seeing too. In the centre of Souq Waqif. Can be a peaceful place here to drink in the beautiful things to see.

  • en

    Manbharat Takhi


    Its place to have great shisha and arabic food

  • Verlina Rodriguez

    Verlina Rodriguez


    My favorite tourist spot is Souq Waqif Art Center in Doha. Best loved and best liked, because I am a lover of Art. I love colors, life, emotions, feelings, I can only find it there. It completes me. I preferred to stay a longer time in this corner of Souq Waqif. I appreciate those great artist who contribute time and effort to see the beauty of life through art. I can give them more than 5 stars. :) Come and visit the place. VSR

  • tr

    irfan benli


    Şehir merkezinde bulunan Souq Vaqif'a gelince mutlaka bu sanat merkezini de dolaşın.YöresEl sanatçıların değişik ve modern eserlerini görmek mümkün.

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