Tawabel i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Al Emadi Financial Square, Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4411 7224
Internet side: tawabelqatar.com
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Latitude: 25.2623943, Longitude: 51.5263093

Kommentar 5

  • Maha Khamis Al-Sulaiti

    Maha Khamis Al-Sulaiti


    Nice food with good staff service but they have their drinks station in the main dining area so it creates a lot of noise when ever they make any juice and their drinks are very small too!

  • Noura A

    Noura A


    المكان مريح والخدمة حلوة الريوق عندهم لذييذ وأهم شي المشلتت صراحة روعة!!

  • rasha helmy

    rasha helmy


    Very nice restaurant very good staff and tasty food very delicious .

  • ar

    Fahad A


    اكل مميز وخدمة رائعة. لا تفوتوا المشلتت!

  • Nora Aleida

    Nora Aleida


    I was so anticipated to try the breakfast at Tawabel we were 2 persons and ordered falafel which was great 👍🏼 also shakshoka, foul and last was the feter mishaltit which is a famous 🇪🇬 dish ..ordered the honey and cream one which was my partner's favorite 👌🏼this place is great for early birds like me its opens around 7:00 am the only downside was the smell of cooking which we didn't notice until we left the place and our clothes smelled like we were cooking our own food 😣this is one of the main reasons i didn't give 5 stars and for me this is a big thing in any review i give.other than that 👍🏼

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