The Lagoon i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarThe Lagoon



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West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4484 8000
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Latitude: 25.3788011, Longitude: 51.5313811

Kommentar 5

  • Igor Parashchenko

    Igor Parashchenko


    If you want to have a good time of spending your free time you should visit this restaurant. It's a place where you can see many delicious food as a breakfast as a lunch. We have branches very Friday (insteed of Ramadan). Where you will be able to find such delicious food and beverages, live music and good relax for you and your families! Welcome to "Lagoon"!

  • Terry Smith

    Terry Smith


    Decent place with an acceptable portfolio of stores. Still just a "B" Mall

  • en

    Ayat Arafa


    👌👍 very good resturant . It's buffet has delicious food .

  • Ravin Kothari

    Ravin Kothari


    Great place. Night life ppl will enjoy good food and best cocktail and lovely bar.

  • en

    CY Lim


    The brunch themed Super Hero is awesome! It is held once of month (last week of the month)! We spent a lovely afternoon there from 1230noon-4pm. There is pony riding, face painting, bouncer, animals like sheep, rabbits, goose and etc, also cupcake decoration for kids to have fun! Not forget to mention about the food! They are so good! Fresh and delicious with lots of varieties! You won’t be regretted to enjoy it!

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