Yama Yoga Studio -ASAS Tower i Doha

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QatarYama Yoga Studio -ASAS Tower



🕗 åbningstider

Ambassadors Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5572 1728
Internet side: www.yamayogastudios.com
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Latitude: 25.3301802, Longitude: 51.5261042

Kommentar 5

  • candy f

    candy f


    The overall experience at Yama yoga is very positive. Asas provides a convenient location for active students who work in DAFNA/West Bay Area, and Al Waab offers a peaceful alternative for those who live west of the city and prefer a more "home-y" atmosphere. Many different types of classes are available and Yama continuously offers workshops and courses in yoga, pilates, etc. It seems like everyone is happy to be teaching and the atmosphere is really that of a community.

  • Sonora English

    Sonora English


    Qatar's original yoga studio! The years of experience are clear in the quality and variety of classes offered and the diversity of teachers.

  • Maram Hasanain

    Maram Hasanain


    I don't care if this is the best Yoga place in Qatar, since it is located in a tower with the stupidest management! You aren't allowed to park inside the tower parking even though it is practically empty all the time! You have to park on the street (which is impossible to park at since it is usually full) and walk at least 300 meters to get to the tower!! I can't imagine what the situation will be in summer time!! This is partially the fault of the yoga studio since if they care about their customers who pay hefty prices for these yoga classes, they should have negotiated an agreement with the tower management about allocating parking for the customers!! But obviously Yama yoga don't care. People come to yoga to relax and not to get frustrated and tired even before stepping into the yoga studio.

  • Anna N

    Anna N


    Good instructors, great variety of classes

  • kmartina5



    Great instructors!

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