Airport Traffic Department i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAirport Traffic Department



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4463 7888
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Latitude: 25.2417729, Longitude: 51.5590259

Kommentar 5

  • Titus John

    Titus John


    There is no Q.matic in follow up andaccident (cabin.1).we are waiting here ..some guys are going directly

  • Mustafa Al Hawli

    Mustafa Al Hawli


    I was given immediate service by a captain with 3 stars when he saw me with stick (special needs person) am so thankful.

  • Jeanine Bailey

    Jeanine Bailey


    The service I experienced was relatively quick and the policeman who helped to report the incident asked me genuinely if I was ok. I answered I was, and he said that's the main thing. Everything else can be replaced. He explained the process clearly and called me half an hour later to see if I had received the text message from the insurance company he said I required to get a replacement hire car. At that stage I hadn't. He said give it 5 minutes and if you don't receive it call the Department back. He actually called me back within minutes and by then I had received the text message. I really appreciated this efficient, friendly and caring service which really negated the impact of having the accident. Thank you hugely!

  • en

    Shahazad S. Tonse


    Cannot renew istimara on fridays and saturdays.

  • Syed Shahin

    Syed Shahin


    Very rude lady cop in istamara section, rest is all good.

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