Traffic Department, Car plates Work Shop Division i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarTraffic Department, Car plates Work Shop Division


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2104636, Longitude: 51.4432323

Kommentar 5

  • Julian Sowah

    Julian Sowah


    The most efficient department by far. They're well structured and the insurance, inspection and vehicle export plate installation process was complete in less than 30 mins. Great service!!

  • en

    M T


    Quick efficient and outgoing people!

  • en

    David Barker


    Very efficient, you pay your money at the first window obtain the receipt and the papers then drive through to the workshop. Give the attendant the paper he goes inside and prints out the new number plate, then reappears and replaces the old number plate. 10 to 15 minutes max. Grr8 service

  • Aamer Zarzar

    Aamer Zarzar


    Awesome service.. helpful staff, took me 20 min to cancel my car licence plate... well done

  • tamim althani

    tamim althani


    The new car plates workshop is very easy and smooth 👏

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