British - Doha Qatar Limousine And Taxi Service i Doha

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QatarBritish - Doha Qatar Limousine And Taxi Service



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Ibn Omran Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5515 8947
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Latitude: 25.302544, Longitude: 51.497745

Kommentar 5

  • Israr Aslam

    Israr Aslam


    Fake ratings. Doesn't even have the vehicles

  • en

    Limousine Service


    Great service for a lot of reasons. Nisan arrived always on time (and he even wait 15/20 minutes plus for me the first time and on the way back he waited for me because the plane delayed), he is friendly, professional, well manner and with good topic for a great chat! it's very nice talk with him. And the price is for me perfect. I has a limousine company but it was my new experience and I’ll tell my all the drivers how they should talk to a customer like Nisan and I can completely suggest his service! ;)

  • en

    Nisan Siddrak


    This driver is very good person.talking friendly and so also So Nice.i am so happy.

  • Donkey Love

    Donkey Love


    "The driver named Nisan was extremely polite, as well as took my address over the phone said back to me ensuring it was correct which i believe is essential to prevent any mistakes. Nisan was exceptionally helpful..

  • hu

    Erika Reger


    Very good taxi service, we went to holiday in Doha Qatar and the driver helped us a lots thanks again for helped us 😊 Tokeletes szerviz. Doha Qatarba mentunk nyaralni ahol a taxi vezeto segitett nekunk nagyon sokat, csak meg szeretnem koszonni neki meg egyszer a segitseget. Nagyon szepen koszonom 😊

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