Doha International Airport i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarDoha International Airport


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974
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Latitude: 25.264748, Longitude: 51.5595568

Kommentar 5

  • YK M

    YK M


    Modern and big. Though was a bit confused at first as to find out which terminal I’m supposed to transfer to as I couldn’t see any screens for transfer gates, people at the information desk were more than helpful

  • en

    Frank Campbell


    Big and modern. Good connections to several countries, especially Asia. Clean. Offers many varied shops with competitive prices. Free wifi which is always welcome.

  • Dave Chow

    Dave Chow


    Been there for a stopover. Clean but not well organised.

  • en

    Augusto Cannone Falchetto


    Good airport from a passenger viewpoint. It deserve definitely improvements in terms of toilette cleanliness as well as updates. Too much water on the restroom floor; this is very dangerous as people may fall and brake a leg or even worse. Cafeterias are nice but food is of poor quality.

  • en

    Florida Rentals LLC


    Why does Qatar /Doha Airport have discriminating Gate security procedures,? Here Muslims are required to remove their headgear and put it in bins where others place their footwear, whereas other religious beliefs like those of Sikhs are respected and are exempt from removing their headgear?

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