Doha Marriott Hotel i Doha

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QatarDoha Marriott Hotel



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Ras Abu Aboud Street, Building 2, Street 920, Zo Ras Abu Aboud Street, Building 2، Doha, Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4429 8888
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Latitude: 25.2858535, Longitude: 51.56257

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Manuel Baret


    Very old hotel, aging and not up to the new standards and new hotels in doha. If you wanna stay around the airport I recommend going somewhere else. I won't return until the hotel is revamped. Steak house is excellent though.




    Marriott Doha is one of the legendary hotels in the city. This hotel is a palace like construction with the best lobbies I have ever seen. The hotel has a great beach access and fantastic see view in most of the rooms. The restaurants on the ground floor offers great weekend brunch with unimaginable variety of dishes. Located in an highly accessible location, Marriott is a good 5star option in Doha.

  • it

    Celeste Rizzo Rizzo


    Albergo molto grande e nel complesso ben curato, ma lontani dal nostro concetto di 5 stelle. Soprattutto per il servizio, infatti il personale e' cortese ma molto disattento. Camera alle 19 ancora non rifatta, posate sporche al tavolo preparato per noi, stanza allestita x un solo ospite e data come doppia ... insomma troppo per un 5 stelle. Ma cmq il prezzo della camera va bene, non piu di 120 euro

  • Anthony Craig

    Anthony Craig


    Nice Hotel, conveniently positioned between the airport and the Cornish (Arabic for Beach). I found this place to be a little old but still has a nice ambiance. Some other hotels in Doha can feel a little impersonal. Nice food and nice executive club. Dinner at 5:30-8:30pm Happy hour starting at 6:30pm Deserts from 7:30-9:30 pm Nice pool, beach and tennis courts x2

  • Hyderali Kharodia

    Hyderali Kharodia


    Doha Marriott, well maintained pool and beach area... Gives wonderful sea view Rooms are very nicely maintained. Offer wonderful indian cuisine... Very helping staff. Have wonderful lobby, but don't like it's smoking area... Which always gives me :(

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