Sharq Village & Spa i Doha

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QatarSharq Village & Spa



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Ras Abu Abboud Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4425 6666
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Latitude: 25.2854992, Longitude: 51.5568288

Kommentar 5

  • Declan O'Reilly

    Declan O'Reilly


    Very good beach club. Large pools. Access to beach and water sports. Good food and service. Great for kids.

  • en

    Trudy McPherson


    I would like to thank the guys at the Sharq especially Patrick for the wonderful time. They were so attentive and sweet. I loved my bouquet of roses. I was treated like a princess. Looking forward to going back again. Thanks again to Patrick and the guys. Everyone should experience the Sharq Village and Spa.

  • en

    Robert D


    Hello. Please give our thanks to the Manager and chefs and all the staff of your wonderful restaurant alliwan for the great services, We had an amazing time. The food was amazing our server was just wonderful. Looking forward to visiting to you in the future. What a great place!

  • Girijasankar Somakumar

    Girijasankar Somakumar


    Beautiful Ethinic Arabic hotel. The Hotel and SPA has been maintained well with Authentic antique furnishing and ethnic construction. Place with good private beach. A place inside Doha city but feels disconnected from the City buzz. Very calm and relaxed environment

  • Nabil Nashar

    Nabil Nashar


    Absolutely loved this place! It's one of my favourite places in Qatar for relaxation and enjoying some self care time. The staff is friendly and the building is just fascinating. It inspires serenity and peace. There's this huge pond inside that has an artificial waterfall and it just makes me feel peaceful hearing the running water.

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