Eataly Mall of Qatar i الدوحة

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QatarEataly Mall of Qatar



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Entertainment arena, ground floor, Mall of Qatar، الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4021 4700
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Latitude: 25.3270577, Longitude: 51.3502405

Kommentar 5

  • Gordon Moi

    Gordon Moi


    Amazing fresh pasta!

  • Fahad Al Mazeedi

    Fahad Al Mazeedi


    3 stars for the nice welcoming staff Food was average Goat cheese salad was great Fried Mozzarella was a disaster Pasta is just reaching average Seating area is excellent, nice view to the oredoo stage at the center of the mall But if you are looking for a WoW food, this just isn’t it.

  • Bramya Coury

    Bramya Coury


    Amazing place . Got everything you might need for an italian dish...all kinds of ingredients... and the cheese, the sweets,the pasta .... 😋😋 we had the continental breakfast and bresaola burrata pizza . It was good... the portion is a bit small... but will be definitely coming back for lunch/dinner to try more of the yummy food

  • Kostas Roussis

    Kostas Roussis


    Nice environtment, good food but limited options, nice staff, best seat in MOQ for the stage show, also good quality products at the shop like olive oil, balsamic vinegar & chocolate. Children friendly! Perfect place to bring the family or meet with friends for lunch on a hot day.

  • Ibrahim ElShafei

    Ibrahim ElShafei


    Below expectations in terms of food taste. I tried it in Dubai and it was amazing! The positive thing here is that the staff are friendly and professional.

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