Ezdan Hotel i Doha

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QatarEzdan Hotel


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شارع الشام, Doha, QA Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4496 9111
Internet side: www.ezdanhotels.qa
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Latitude: 25.3185947, Longitude: 51.52115

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Elias Elias


    Ezdan is like a second home for me. Ive been here for a long time and all people are friendly and nice. Receptionist like Louie, Shake and the others will always smile at you and greet, receptionists are so approachable.. They will never ever say no. Bellman like Patrick are so attentive. They are always ready to help you. I never felt that I'm living in different house. Cleaners are so great, they will always clean the room like this is their own. What else should i ask if i have these kind of service. So thankful that I'm here in Ezdan.

  • en

    Emilene Murillo


    i have stayed not quite long in this hotel, but my stay was so great. This hotel has these so friendly people and makes the surrounding so ease and nice to stay. i remember this receptionist name Louie, he is so professional and he always smiles. and also the one who guided me to my room, Patrick so friendly and helpful. facilities and service are great. made my stay wonderful and satisfied. RECOMMENDED.

  • en

    Naty Zuluaga


    It is a good hotel! The staff they're really helpful and nice. The location of the hotel is perfect, they have pharmacy, restaurants, cafe, close to malls with nice view. They don't sell alcohol and if you're planing to come with your couple make sure you carry a document to show you're husband and wife. You can smoke on your room and in the common areas as well.

  • Adaikkappan Palaniappan

    Adaikkappan Palaniappan


    One of the best place to stay in Qatar. Not a budget hotel so you need heavy pockets. But for the money you pay, you get facilities and it is located in the heart of high rise buildings of Qatar located. If you are planning to visit Qatar and looking for budget hotels this is not the place to stay as even restaurants around this area are little expensive compared to usual joints. However, if you love to enjoy the high rise buildings then this is the play to stay. Very close to the beach area and just a small walk will land you in the shore where boating happens. Also close to City Center and very easy to reach this place.

  • Philipp R.

    Philipp R.


    Langsames Internet, ungepflegter Gesamteindruck, schlecht organisiertes Personal. Fazit: ich bin froh wenn ich hier raus bin.

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