Hotel Park حديقة الفندق i Doha

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QatarHotel Park حديقة الفندق



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1, Al Corniche Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5597 8387
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Latitude: 25.3202461, Longitude: 51.5354068

Kommentar 5

  • Rajesh CK

    Rajesh CK


    Recent addition to doha's amazing parks list. Kids love this place especially the pyramids..

  • Rocheanne Noble

    Rocheanne Noble


    Great Park. Great outdoor facility. Family and Wheelchair friendly. Dining opttions available.

  • Lakshiminarayanan Rajasundaram

    Lakshiminarayanan Rajasundaram


    Best to hang around with Family. Ample Parking space, well maintained children play area, lot of miniature fountains for children's to play around, and lot of grass space. Even though they have recently added few takeaway cafe's all of them are not worth the money they charge. Need improvement on CAFE & Eateries




    nice place to bring our kids, many activities and play items are there for kids and adults as well. Good collection of GYM equipment are there to have a ride and do the best to our mussels and practice.

  • Richard Broadwith

    Richard Broadwith


    This park has not been open that long and is still very clean and fresh. On a Friday afternoon when I was there, lots of families with a children were there enjoying the open space, play areas and fountains. Parking is simple, with the underground car park close by and if you want food or drink there is the Hotel or even closer is La Liga lounge.

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