Sheraton Hotel Park i Doha

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QatarSheraton Hotel Park



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4434 8070
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Latitude: 25.3192069, Longitude: 51.5345111

Kommentar 5

  • Uditha Athukorala

    Uditha Athukorala


    One of the best and luxurious hotel Park area. Nice n well maintained. Specifically great for evening. Any one can see city light up buildings.its Located in heart of the city. And if you want enjoy the whole city lights, the best location in town. 😍 ☺

  • Khalid Alhajri

    Khalid Alhajri


    This park has plenty of parking.wheelchair zone. Two shops permanently available for drinks and ice-cream and snacks . It’s beautiful for running and biking. If you are looking to have nice photo for skyscrapers this is the best place as well . Not forget to mention underground has some shops and cafe as well .

  • Rizwan Mohammed

    Rizwan Mohammed


    This park is in front of Sheraton Hotel. Facts: The park has nothing to do with the hotel. It actually belongs to the government The park is free for everyone. There is a mosque in this park and it can be accessed during the prayer times and there are no restrictions to that. This is located in the center of the city. But as there is little honking it doesn’t matter and you can enjoy your time. This park is not open always. There are lots of events held in this park all around the year. You can either walk around the park or in the park its upto you as there are tracks available. Pros: An ideal place for early morning and evening walks to rejuvenate instead of those boring treadmills. There is parking available which is free The park is under CCTV surveillance for the safety purposes, which is good to have. Cons: The parking is crowded on weekends and people are not responsible enough to park properly which needs to be improved.

  • en

    Glen Fernandes


    Good for ages from 2 to 12 with kids equipment .. Nice car park.. suitable for approx 100 cars or so... can play table tennis as well.

  • en

    umm maryam


    Nice place to go if not crowded. Good play area and adult exercise area. Prayer room and wash room available. Under ground parking. There is nice garden space to walk around and enjoy.

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