InterContinental Doha i Doha

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QatarInterContinental Doha



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Al Isteqlal Road, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4484 4444
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Latitude: 25.348674, Longitude: 51.529957

Kommentar 5

  • Carlos Silva

    Carlos Silva


    It's 9 years now since we came here for the first time. It has improve a lot on the facilities. We come just for the day-beach only. Spending some time on the beach, enjoying cold cafe lattes then at mid day, enjoy lunch... all we need. The pool is refrigerated and it has a bar on it...

  • en

    Benjamin John Sanders


    Really lovely staff. Great hotel. Had a lovely time. Would live there if I could afford it!

  • Mahmoud Aun

    Mahmoud Aun


    ICD is one of the professional hotels over the world. Rooms with sea view is amazing in addition to lighting systems, curtains, room facilities, hygiene, staff members at all seniority levels, and helpful front desk. Highly recommended.

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    manoj kumar


    It's always been my favorite place to visit. It has two bars. One. For the people who like live and chilling near bar table.. and another it's nightclub! The best music played by most of the DJs! At the reception known as Paloma the manager and assistant manager...she is really helpful. ! For the persons to chill out near sea and pool.. can visit one floor down from this level. Worth going to this place everytime!

  • Yara Odeh

    Yara Odeh


    I am not sure how to rate this restaurant. We went there for sushi night on Tuesday for 225 QR. I was craving sushi, I filled up my plate with all the different kinds. It was honestly the worst sushi I've had in Qatar! Just terrible. There is no taste, its packed with rice and just too heavy. Thankfully they had their usual buffet on the side. I dug in. It was fabulous. The Tom yum soup was amazing, the coconut meatballs where delicious. We used our entertainer voucher so we only paid for one but I still felt it was too much due to the bland sushi

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