The St. Regis Doha i Doha

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QatarThe St. Regis Doha



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Doha West Bay, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4446 0000
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Latitude: 25.3504375, Longitude: 51.5300363

Kommentar 5

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    Exquisite, flawless elegance begins in this luxurious resort by the ocean with live harp music in the reception hall. It has a classically modern style with a touch of Arabian opulence. Each guest receives complimentary butler service during their stay. All rooms are superb and have sea views, which means there’s little reason to pay more for an upgrade. If you’re looking for exceptional surroundings, sumptuous food and the best live evening entertainment, the St Regis is your place. Dine at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, followed by reggae on the beach at Oyster Bay Bar and a night cap at Jazz at Lincoln Center. It’s all world class and onsite. The beach and Olympic-size swimming pool are for guests only, which keeps the atmosphere calm and relaxing. When I want some pampering, I find that a Pearl facial and body wrap at the in-house Remède Spa turns me to butter.

  • Uditha Athukorala

    Uditha Athukorala


    Wonderful location. Luxurious hotels in Hart of the Doha.and private beach and it is really Amazing. All the areas are pure luxury and the Staff is Very kind.

  • en

    Irene du Plooy


    We dined at Opal restaurant and both the food and service was absolutely fantastic. I want to commend Sophie from Georgia for her impeccable, friendly and curteous service. She is absolutely a great asset to your company and a fabulous representation of your brand. Thank you Sophie you are awesome!!!!

  • Ahmed Ameira

    Ahmed Ameira


    Fantastic service you get in this hotel. My family and I go there whenever we get time. Most recently we were there 2 days ago celebrating a birthday and we enjoyed our time to the fullest. The Vine restaurant is one of my top 5 places to eat here in Doha and I recommend it to any one who appreciate good food and excellent customer service.

  • Dieter Herrmann

    Dieter Herrmann


    Super Service und 11 Restaurants zur Auswahl. Das Grillrestaurant soll das beste von Doha sein. Die Büfetts sind auch nicht zu verachten. Zum Frühstück Obst satt. Großer Pool aber kleiner Strand 🏖

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