Mix Bar Lounge & Terrace i Doha

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QatarMix Bar Lounge & Terrace



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Salwa Road, Bin Mahmoud South, Zone 23, Doha, Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4492 1555
Internet side: www.mixbardoha.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.276, Longitude: 51.513377

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexandra Stemate


    Really pleasant, happy hour from 5pm to 8pm ;) great staff AC is not working indoors sometimes

  • Kristof Van Laer

    Kristof Van Laer


    Nice bar to hang out. They have a good terrace for the more bearable Doha months (even having terrace heaters during "winter") while the inside area can get a little cramped. Nice selection of drinks and snacks. Waiting staff is friendly and attentive.

  • Roshen Sandrasegaram

    Roshen Sandrasegaram


    Very good deals during happy hour, great service at the bar by the Indonesian mixologist. Seems a bit understaffed on a busy Friday night with orders from waiters taking longer than it should. The nachos took a long time to reach but was good in taste and size. Nice ambience at the terrace with a female vocalist singing on backing tracks and indoors lounge is nice, cozy and spacious with a good dj.

  • en

    Jen P


    Great place to relax or have a dance along to the live music! Good service and lovely staff 😍

  • Thembisile magome

    Thembisile magome


    Lovely atmosphere. But when the close the terrace (forcing guests to sit indoors) and well you sit in the smoking area cause that's what you do, and after an hour the smoke is filling up the room cause the ventilation is not proper and you've eaten there more than once and still the food is unacceptable. You don't take it back cause something is obviously wrong with the chef/ cook, so from now on you head over to Hunters (one floor down) which has a longer running happy hour and the food is good. So I've had my rating on 4 for months now, but I'm going to change it to 3, cause that's how low Mix bar has sunk. Also the singer was never good. Sorry girl!

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