The Avenue A Murwab Hotel i الدوحة

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QatarThe Avenue A Murwab Hotel



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Jawaan Street, Al Sadd District, الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4042 8222
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Latitude: 25.2890121, Longitude: 51.4962858

Kommentar 5

  • Tom Do

    Tom Do


    Great hotel. Given this stay by Qatar Airway due to their flight delay.

  • Nasser Marzook

    Nasser Marzook


    Amazing lovely hotel with good prices for what they offer. The hotel is situated in a busy area of Al Saad with 4 malls within 10 minutes of driving.

  • Viktoriia Ivaniuk

    Viktoriia Ivaniuk


    The hotel is wonderful. There was a transit in Doha, more than 8 hours (the departure was postponed). At the airport, a taxi picks you up and takes you to the hotel and takes you back to the airport. The staff is very good, communication with them caused me joy. Everything was fine in the room, cleaned.

  • Mari Ganesh Kumar M

    Mari Ganesh Kumar M


    The room and the food was good. But they definitely don't deserve a Five Star rating. This would be a good Three Star hotel.

  • Mohamad Hachem

    Mohamad Hachem


    Over rated hotel. It should be 3 stars not 5. The only positive thing is the staff. The breakfast is very poor and not fresh. In the rooms toilets there is no towel hanger which is very weird. The water pressure coming from the shower is not high. They put for you in the complimentary try tea and espresso capsule i used the espresso capsule next day when i asked why they didnt refill it they answer was unexpected. First night is free if you want you can buy each capsule 5 riyal. I can't believe its a 5 stars hotel. So why it was in the complimentary try with the tea and water!! All the venues of the hotel are very low profile.

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