NuYu Medi Spa i الدوحة

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QatarNuYu Medi Spa



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Emadi Compound Villa #18 Markhiya, الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4493 1193
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Latitude: 25.3225509, Longitude: 51.4981509

Kommentar 5

  • Ayesha



    Just came back from the spa, with such a terrible experience from the ladies at the desk. After waiting half an hour after my appointment time I asked why it was taking so long, and a lady with an attitude problem proceeded to tell me that it’s normal and what should she do. And that there were still two people in front of me because THEU came late. Such a rude, woman with a major language barrier. They do not speak English. And try to act like it’s your fault for not communicating in Arabic. What a strange strange strange place.

  • Monica Marie Morales

    Monica Marie Morales


    Excellent doctors for non surgical face lift giving you a natural look. 💆👍👍👍

  • Andrea Espinosa Makeup Artist

    Andrea Espinosa Makeup Artist


    Love this Clinic!! Nuyu is an amazing place if you are looking for high quality and professional service. Outstanding facilities. I’ve been seeing Dr. George for almost a year; I love the fact that he likes to keep everything in natural way. Facials are also amazing here!!

  • Hind Syr

    Hind Syr


    I tried hydra facial it was good..

  • Marwan Jesri

    Marwan Jesri


    Nice team great location and facilities. You can not find all these cosmetic equipment in one place anywhere in Lebanon.

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