Hilton Doha i Doha

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QatarHilton Doha


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Diplomatic Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4423 3333
Internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 25.326106, Longitude: 51.540095

Kommentar 5

  • bassith mahmood

    bassith mahmood


    For a branded hotel, the service is not up to standard. seem that managers are play house, like kids. we booked our ifthar, when we walked in , we got a racist attitude when the table was selected (why?), they tried to give us the worst table possible. is our money second class ?. the ambiance was nice, most of the food was Egyptian food (Why ?). the sushi bar and ice cream was great (3 stars only for this). overall a disappointment. Sorry Hilton did not expect this from you

  • Ed Boone

    Ed Boone


    Excellent hotel in Doha. Great views and the beach is terrific. Pool is wonderful and the staff is exemplary. Definitely stay here if you are with a family. The only hotel with better service is the W. Also I couldn't find a prayer room if you are in need of one.

  • Bilal Ahmed

    Bilal Ahmed


    Excellent service and well maintained hotel throughout. Staff were readily available to assist upon request and the hotel was very clean and well kept. The facilities were good but could have had more for young children to make use of.

  • Ray Caywood

    Ray Caywood


    Very nice hotel, check in was quick and easy and I even got upgraded. The bar was pretty busy and had some decent happy hour specials. The only issue was getting a taxi, I asked the concierge to call one but they said I could just walk out from to the road and flag one down. After about 10 minutes of not seeing a taxi, I started walking and finally came across one about half a mile away. Room was very nice and had an amazing view. Not too far from the Museum and the market. I would definitely stay here again when in Qatar.

  • Aryan Ramabadhran

    Aryan Ramabadhran


    Brilliant hotel. Very beautiful lobby. The pool is really amazing . It is temperature controlled. Very close to the pool lies the beach. It is a nice place to lay when you are tired. The rooms are spacious and the bathroom is very nice. Though the doors don't have locks so I wish that they get locks soon. The service is brilliant and ready to provide you with anything at any odd time. The hotel is really close to the City Central( mall), and other important places. We as a family had a great experience at Hilton Doha.

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