Spa at Sharq Village i Doha

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QatarSpa at Sharq Village



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Ras Bu Abboud Street، Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4425 6999
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Latitude: 25.2851593, Longitude: 51.5560008

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Lena Muffatesh


    كان أفضل في تزيين الخيمة و تقديم حليب و لبن في كاسات فخار و الآن الاطبق المنتهية لا يعاد ملئها إلا بعد وقت طويل جدا و بعد الطلب

  • en

    Ash R


    Excellent place to relax at the pool. Mr Anoura and Mr Ajit will be there to make you feel welcome and ensure you have what you require for a lovely day with the family.

  • en



    Massive Incredible looking spa, rustic Arabian charm😍😍😍, best in Doha. However, the 2 black maids in the spa need to be fired because they harass & bully guests incessantly trying to sabotage our relaxation due to their resentment & jealousy over us leisuring pampered guests whilst they have to wait on us & clean up after us. Furthermore, they lock up the towels denying guests more expecting guests to use just the one towel provided upon entry throughout the facilities as they are lazy to clean up, romove & launder guests used towels.

  • Khalid Alhajri

    Khalid Alhajri


    Best spa in Qatar by experience I love this spa and I never get disappoint specially if have guest from Europe I take them there and we enjoy a day spa Best thing is Hammam and they offer huge rooms so you will feel like a king. If you wish to have a dream experience ? Just book here and believe me you always think to go back as l do... l tried Hammam facial, pedicure and manicure. 5 star service.. Oh I forgot to mention the price deserve the service 100% So enjoy it and please push helpful review if you think so Thanks l wish you lovely day

  • Jason McKnespiey

    Jason McKnespiey


    I stayed at the fabulous Sharq Village & Spa hotel complex in December. Wow, this place is just amazing. I could not fault anything with this hotel and spa complex. Probably the best hotel I have ever had the prividge of staying in. From the reception, to the room, to the grounds, the private beach, and the swimming pools - A1 quality. The food at breakfast was again amazing. Special thanks to Saeesh in "Engineering" who helped me out with a broken suitcase problem. Maybe you have guessed, but I was blown away with this place.

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