Jabri Sweets and Restaurant i Doha

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QatarJabri Sweets and Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

B Ring Road, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4441 1109
Internet side: www.jabriqatar.com
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Latitude: 25.2821601, Longitude: 51.5447405

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Muhammad Usman


    Only good for Egyption people for dinner. Sweets very good.

  • Muhamed Zidan

    Muhamed Zidan


    Good food, friendly staff, I love this restaurant

  • en

    Ahmed Shalaby


    It is ramadan and we went for iftar, food tastes really bad and cold and not enough for the number of people present in the restaurant to eat and they do not do refils for food, they refusd to book the table for our group to have iftar until paying for every single person in advance!! And finally they did not provide enough space for our group and number. The place was not very clean either!

  • sarah hassan

    sarah hassan


    The place is awful. The food is very badly cooked. They dont know how to make food and they dont fellow any traditional recipes. The manager is a rude person. And the price is high in comparison to the quilty of food. And the hygen of the whole place is dutable....and its too hot...

  • Sovan Mohanty

    Sovan Mohanty


    One of the best Arabic Restaurant. Menu includes variety of appetiser and main course. Any item on beef was not observed. I tried mansaf (Jordan food) and its really good in taste and quantity. Price also not that expensive. Arabic sweets and bakery items also available.

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