Ric's Kountry Kitchen Doha i Doha

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QatarRic's Kountry Kitchen Doha



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Sana Complex, Ras Abu Abboud Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4443 7846
Internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 25.282287, Longitude: 51.545196

Kommentar 5

  • Ed Wellman

    Ed Wellman


    New management and the quality of food is going down hills. The biscuits were like rocks.new decor is neater, but not the same. I miss the old Rics. Been going there since 2004.

  • en

    julius jay torralba


    Basic Home-made style breakfasts. Basic but solid & keeps you all warm inside. You mostly get a mix of breakfast meats, fried potato wedges, roasted tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, & pancakes. Almost everything gets served with 2-3 eggs (I'd rather just eat one) cooked in 2 of 5-6 styles of your choosing. Get the Doha special, Texas special, or anything with a breakfast steak.. Some of my friends get the lumberjack & split between 2 people just because the serving is so big(for southeast asian stomachs).

  • Thomas Merrett

    Thomas Merrett


    The pancakes & French toast were good! Prices were higher than I was expecting, but it's still not a very expensive place.

  • J Rin

    J Rin


    I expected Texas style portions and was disappointed. Breakfast prices were high but lunch seemed more appropriate. Good service and food tastes good. Cash only which makes it tough for some. This is a definite must visit when living in Qatar and longing for a real Texas breakfast. The air conditioning was not working properly which made it extremely hot inside.

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    razzia manzur


    The food was great and best coffee in Doha!!! My family loved it. The toast was just perfect and the ham I could still taste it. My husband loves the garlic fried rice, less out and salt. Reasonable price. Very friendly staff. I suggest you visit soon.

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