Jazz Club i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarJazz Club



🕗 åbningstider

Al Matar Street, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4402 3444
Internet side: www.rotana.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2679992, Longitude: 51.5534776

Kommentar 5

  • Mustafa Al-Refaee

    Mustafa Al-Refaee


    Keep getting crappier and crappier... the place is empty like a goast town. Leadership has a wierd idea of what jazz actually is!

  • en

    Abir Elzain


    Too much changes, New No Smoking policy, the place is deserted, all old customers have abandoned. DON'T GO THERE!

  • Ali hamza

    Ali hamza


    Environment is very good but alcohol is very expensive there like 30 riyal beer is 50 so if you want extra good environment go there but bring some good money with you.

  • Swati Chhabra

    Swati Chhabra


    Food selection and drinks are superb. Very classy ambiance. Live music is also awesome. A must visit place if you are in Doha

  • Maria Magi

    Maria Magi


    Nice ambient lighting and comfortable seating. You can actually hear each other speaking...and less of a pick up place if all you want to do is relax after work with a drink and your friends. No cover for ladies.

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