Nobu Doha i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarNobu Doha



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Diplomatic Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4494 8600
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Latitude: 25.3232355, Longitude: 51.5410495

Kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Shamiyeh

    Mohammed Shamiyeh


    Nice place, kind and friendly staff, food is ok but over price

  • Abdullaah Wayne Goodner

    Abdullaah Wayne Goodner


    Excellent service. Splendid views. Great food.

  • Philip Niwa

    Philip Niwa


    Great food and atmosphere. Beautiful view just right for that selfie. Nice cocktails. If you can afford it go for it.

  • BabyAbood123



    I've been waiting for them to bring my order for like 30 mins. and it wasn't even crowded! They are so forgetful that they forgot to bring soy sauce with the sushi I ordered. I'm shook. The food is overrated. Save your money and go to a decent sushi place.

  • en

    Dale Pereira


    I went into Nobu with great expectations. I'd been craving for Sushi. Well the place was lovely and the interior was impeccable. We ordered for some California rolls which was nice and the Spicy King Crab starters tasted pretty good. Yes, they did have some fried rice cube which were interestingly different yet tasty but the rest of the food was just okay and didn't keep up with our expectations. I'm sorry to say this but they really need to up their game for the price one pays here to eat good Japanese food. . Anyways, I hope you guys have a good experience here. It just didn't get my taste buds going. .

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