Teyseer Service Centre i Doha

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QatarTeyseer Service Centre



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Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4468 2683
Internet side: www.teyseergroup.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2637071, Longitude: 51.5540763

Kommentar 5

  • Abulize MV

    Abulize MV


    Teyseer service centre, established in 1976, is a pioneer and leading provider of quality auto care services and petrol. The company forms part of Teyseer Group, one of the leading business groups in Qatar. One stop service center for all your automotive needs. Provides regular services like oil & filter change. Teyseer Service Station is a quality auto care services , they Provide Car Washing ( Body, Jack & Steam) Bus Washing, Auto Flushing Services, Full Cleaning and Perfuming, etc..

  • Ahmed Ameira

    Ahmed Ameira


    This is an affordable place to do your car minor service (oil&filter) anything else is a little expensive comparing to the service offering..ie car wash is expensive than the best car wash station in whole Doha! you can consider if you want to change oil&filter for your car.

  • bassith mahmood

    bassith mahmood


    Good place to take your vehicles for servicing, the guys at the service are quick and do a good job, But be careful if your a first timer for car wash They will not let you know what is included, ( body wash and interior cleaning is included. Price - $$$ There a is small shop to have some coffee, tea and a small bit.

  • Balasubramanian Selvaraj

    Balasubramanian Selvaraj


    Cheap and Best Service related to oil change & filter change. And its operating 24 hours. Very useful service

  • riaz omer

    riaz omer


    The Best service center in Qatar. Qr 33 service charge for oil change and filter. Qr 50 for jack wash saloon car. You can leave your car safely and they do both without any extra service charge.

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