Woqod Car Wash i Doha

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QatarWoqod Car Wash



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4021 7777
Internet side: www.woqod.com
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Latitude: 25.228067, Longitude: 51.5101766

Kommentar 5

  • Naji Alyami

    Naji Alyami


    Good service.but all.wooqod stations do not have jump starter in case any car can not after washing or.oil.change

  • en

    ghunter alarcon


    I went to woqod carwash 3x. I got scratches everytime i go there. Never go back again. Recommend to bring your own microfibre cloth

  • en



    Very bad service yesterday they done Very bad when we say to clean properly they have never mind Some new staffs are also not know do vaccum cleaning and all Am always going there but last experience is very bad

  • FlyingSaucer



    By far this is the worst experience ever. I always go to woqod and the results are always decent to fairly acceptable, today was different, it was disgusting. They are too slow at drying the car (the most important part of a car wash) it leaves dust speckles and marks all over including the interior. They use the same old dirty (cheap microfiber) towel to clean your rims, wheel well, exhausts and INTERIOR! The lower trim (grilles, skirts) of the car is always untouched so you have to tell them to clean it. You drive off and the marks on the windshield give you 40% visibility. You reach home and all you have is dry mud on the body and spots. Just a business to take your money, no one here cares about customer satisfaction.

  • Ali Khan

    Ali Khan


    It's ok not bad.

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