Toyota and Lexus Accident Repair Centre and parts i Ar-Rayyan

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QatarToyota and Lexus Accident Repair Centre and parts



🕗 åbningstider

Street 5, Ar-Rayyan, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4031 6242
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Latitude: 25.2146954, Longitude: 51.4348488

Kommentar 5

  • Moustafa Rabie

    Moustafa Rabie


    Good quality, but it will take time to get your car repaired due to the high demand and waiting list

  • en

    joubij hicham


    That is absolutely unprofessional. Update your timings and ask your security staff to be more professional rather than telling customers they are liars because of the timing

  • Jerry O'Brien

    Jerry O'Brien


    Helpful staff and not a bad location. Good service. Good prices

  • Yusuf Ahmed Khan

    Yusuf Ahmed Khan


    Nice place.. First thing.. I love my car and Toyota brand.. Will never doubt it. As per the service.. People are good well spoken and attentive.. Giving 4 star as the time taken for the service is a bit slow and the cost for it, is high.. They must re consider the prices for the services offered here.. Rest all is fine.. I m happy..

  • en



    I have given for service, The procedure they have taken the car is good. While driving Behind me some one kit my car, small damage, They want to change the pumper, They asked 7 working days time. They could give appointment one day before changing it. But they want me to drop the car 1 Week before it self. They are telling some valid reason, But it’s good.

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