Vets 4 Pets Veterinary Clinic Qatar i Doha

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QatarVets 4 Pets Veterinary Clinic Qatar



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Umm Al Kharj, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 3070 1125
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Latitude: 25.2541123, Longitude: 51.4467202

Kommentar 5

  • Shah Fahmad

    Shah Fahmad


    Clean and best care for any pets

  • Hanifa Mohamed

    Hanifa Mohamed


    Good clinic and good staff. Thank I for helping my ca t

  • Jenniffer Yap

    Jenniffer Yap


    One of the best Vet clinic here in doha very helpful and know how to take care of my pet. Highly recommended. 👌

  • Ja Haciel Iglesias

    Ja Haciel Iglesias


    I highly recommend this clinic because they did a great job when it comes to the health of my pet. They accommodate me very nicely and the staffs are so friendly.

  • Angela Granda

    Angela Granda


    BEWARE. This is the worst vet clinic I’ve ever seen in my life! They must have transferred ownership and the new vet/staff don’t speak English and they are beyond unprofessional. I managed to book an appointment via email only to show up with my pets and to be turn back because they don’t provide the services I requested on the email! There was no point in arguing with them because they don’t understand English or even care. If you really love your pets I don’t think you should come here! I wouldn’t trust them near mine.

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