Abra Relocations i Wakra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAbra Relocations



🕗 åbningstider

Zone 90, Street 982، Wakra، Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5537 8777
Internet side: www.abrarelocations.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2903235, Longitude: 51.5435342

Kommentar 5

  • Lynda Thomas

    Lynda Thomas


    Abraham provided me with a very competitive quote so much cheaper than other quotes I received. His team were amazing and you could see they were very experienced in packing and moving furniture. I highly recommend Abra Relocations as they were a very professional dedicated team.

  • Marwan Nasser Eddine

    Marwan Nasser Eddine


    I was very impressed with the professional and accurate work executed in a short time, Abra was very friendly and made our lives easier in relocating. I highly recommend...

  • en

    Video Watcher


    I do recommend this company for everybody as I have my own experience with them and I was very happy from their service, God bless you guys and wishing you more success.

  • Mahindra Mugalvalli

    Mahindra Mugalvalli


    They say they are still young but work like professionals! Very helpful, understanding and cooperative. I will recommend to my friends.

  • Harsh M

    Harsh M


    Abra relocations is an excellent company to work with. I recently recommended this company to a friend, she was extremely happy with the quality of work and the dedication that the people at Abra relocations show towards the services they offer.

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