Gulf Agency Company - GAC Qatar i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarGulf Agency Company - GAC Qatar



🕗 åbningstider

Al Matar St Jaidha Square, 7th Floor, East Wing، Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4420 5600
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Latitude: 25.272379, Longitude: 51.545127

Kommentar 5

  • Suhail KM

    Suhail KM


    Its my office...

  • Jtt Lucky

    Jtt Lucky


    The best company to work in

  • BD news

    BD news


    give me job your company

  • en

    Samer Shehata


    I highly recommend GAC Qatar. I recently used them to move my belongings back to the US from Doha, Qatar. The experience was hassle-free and easy despite the anxiety and headaches associated with any move. Three experienced movers arrived at my house -- on time (without any difficulty finding the place) and proceeded to efficiently and courteously pack and move my things. They took their shoes off at the door, worked carefully, and even repackaged a few items (in a safer and better way) than we had done. When I asked how long they had been working in Qatar they told me the least experienced one among them had worked for 17 years at GAC Qatar! They did a fantastic job. And everyone I dealt with at GAC -- the managers and schedulers -- were all extremely knowledgeable, professional and pleasant to work with. I recommend them most highly.

  • moh Night core

    moh Night core


    Very professional

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