Connected by Qatar Post i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarConnected by Qatar Post



🕗 åbningstider

Qatar Post Building, West Bay, Doha Corniche, 22228, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4406 9928
Internet side:
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Latitude: 25.309999, Longitude: 51.51732

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdulaziz Al Baker


    Cheaper than Aramex Shop & Ship, home delivery available too. If there is a problem with your shipment customer service is very helpful.

  • Muhammad Ayyaz Sarwar Siddiqui

    Muhammad Ayyaz Sarwar Siddiqui


    Long Lines.. services are good but over crowded place.

  • Muhammad Nazrul Islam

    Muhammad Nazrul Islam


    Good shoping for global maeketing

  • Sniper Hood

    Sniper Hood


    I wasted my money and time ended up with working full time sorting my shipments and disposes some which was not worth to waste time on over all services very bad

  • en

    Abi P


    Worst ever service.I purchased cellphone from eBay and realised that connectedQa doesn't ship cellphones purchased from eBay or items containing batteries from US to Qatar. Fair enough. But when I requested redirection to US address I ended up paying hefty 108 QAR for of my 1lb cellphone. eBay seller had shipped out the item for just under 10$ but connectedQA charged 108QAR(46 shipping, 42 Redirection fee, 20 customs) . I opened a ticket with QPost two weeks back and since then it is endless calls asking for justification especially those ridiculous customs 20QAR for domestic US shipping, they simply say it is "Policy".

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