Al Arabi Sports Club i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAl Arabi Sports Club


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4467 3666
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Latitude: 25.2587189, Longitude: 51.5205929

Kommentar 5

  • Ummer Kutty

    Ummer Kutty


    Al arabi sports club is one of the best stadium in qatar. Its suitable for families too. Once you visit the place, you will like it. Many tournaments were held in this wonderful stadium. Mainly football is played in this stadium. I have not seen any cricket match there. Go there and enjoy

  • Jeremiah Mwongela

    Jeremiah Mwongela


    Nice place to do your own jogging n stretching. No payment required for using their rubberised track and the well maintained grass pitch. The stadium has a swimming pool,basketball court and volleyball pitch. Swimming is charged... I see some philipinos playing basketball but I am not sure of the charges. It's a nice place to be going...I do cycle for 25minutes from my home to reach there. Anyone who knows about any other facilities open to the public?

  • Glitter Force

    Glitter Force


    Place is very accessible and not crowded .. hope there would be another coffee shop nearby for more choices of food after work out.. 😊

  • Verlina Rodriguez

    Verlina Rodriguez


    I was there 4 days ago and my first time to stepped-in to Al Arabi Sports Club. It is a advisable for concert and big events. It is a very good location, near to all places and very accessible. Facilities are good and security too. Very good and recommendable if you are planning for Big events. VSR

  • Kotni Patro

    Kotni Patro


    Very nice ground with facilities like, handball court, swimming, football, basketball, running track, restaurant, gymnastics facilities etc are available. Very clam area . Good for sports activities. Ample parking space. Good lighting available at evening time. The restaurant white Lilly is also good. Good place to go sports activities.

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