Qatar Sports Club i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarQatar Sports Club


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +965 9733 0415
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Latitude: 25.3169806, Longitude: 51.5123954

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Hammam

    Ahmed Hammam


    I visit this amazing place almost daily. Such a great place.

  • Ali Hammoud

    Ali Hammoud


    I enjoyed having a jog in its track. Very clean and spacious. Would job there again and again.

  • Mutasem Mohamed

    Mutasem Mohamed


    Plenty of restaurants and food & beverage trailers , amazing park n grab place and there's cafes and restaurants with indoor and outdoor seating areas

  • en

    wesam El-Ekrimawi


    New concept of street quick service restaurants and coffees.. we tried here a new coffee shop called 100 (one hundred) very nice coffee and sweets ... this area is full with very nice coffeeshops and small car restaurants ... you should give a visit ..

  • Samuel Francis

    Samuel Francis


    Apart from it being the stadium used for the IAAF DIAMOND LEAGUE each year, the warm up track is great for exercise and it's open for all. As the weather outside is still conducive I advice all to use this amazing facility, plus they have a nice indoor gym.

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