Doha Sports Stadium i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarDoha Sports Stadium


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Al Dostour Street, Doha, QA Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974
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Latitude: 25.2848006, Longitude: 51.5407018

Kommentar 5

  • Rodney Liper

    Rodney Liper


    Accurate location i have thank you!

  • Wasif Muneer

    Wasif Muneer


    We are performers at doha sports stadium after fajar prayer

  • en

    Mbs Ansari


    I visited for EID pray on occasion of eid

  • Praveen Rayanagoudar

    Praveen Rayanagoudar


    Near to al Ghanim Bus stand. Well maintained

  • en

    Fayis V


    It is the first football stadium in the Persian Gulf region, established in 1962. It was located in Doha. The most important match in this stadium was a friendly match between the national team and the Brazilian National Team with Pelé. The stadium is now used for youth matches including the final for Sheikh Jassim Cup. In every weekends there will be some local and league matches and the entry is free to everyone. I love football...

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