Cityview Veterinary Clinic i Doha

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QatarCityview Veterinary Clinic



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34 Mesaimeer Road، Abu Hamour، Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4488 5112
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Latitude: 25.254037, Longitude: 51.48646

Kommentar 5

  • Shrief Fadl

    Shrief Fadl


    Great people at the front desk and clean, new facilities. But honestly the reason behind the 5 stars is purely Dr. Clara. She’s incredible. The best vet in town without a doubt. Ask for her and you’ll never be let down.

  • Azhar Abbas

    Azhar Abbas


    Dr Clara is amazing. One of our cats has been traumatised by previous experiences with vets, it was her first time with Dr Clara and she handled her with such care and patience that even we were impressed.

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    Tapas Sharma


    Excellent clinic. Dr. Clara is one of the best. Gave a second Life to my cats. Forever indebted.

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    Ahmed Naggar


    Excellent professional staff. Dr Clara is the best!

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    Eman AbuMattar


    Really bad experience with my cat .. I paid for chick up .. and all what they asked without any hesitation.. but in the second day my cat was bleeding and when I called to ask what went wrong .. they didn't know and told me that they are full so they can't have him or chick him anymore .. and just tell me that I should take my cat to another place or he would die in less than a week.. sound commercial I took my cat to another place ..

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