Qatar Veterinary Center Aziziya i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarQatar Veterinary Center Aziziya



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Off Al Awali street, Near Villagio, Latitiude and longitude: N 25° 15.299' E 51° 26.76', Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4016 1366
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Latitude: 25.254778, Longitude: 51.44612

Kommentar 5

  • Marriz



    The service is bad, the people at recaption make you feel that they are doing you services for free, and on top of that it's a very expensive vet. My advice take your pet somewhere else.

  • en

    Rawdah Alhajri


    I am a customer since 2011. However, I decided to stop dealing with this center for many reasons. One of these reasons is their service to be honest they have the worst customer service I have ever seen. And I’m going to transfer my pet to other center.

  • J.S. Kullar

    J.S. Kullar


    Great place, good doctors. Scandinavian prices. Need to get a insurance card for my pets.

  • en

    Ingrid Longden-Thurgood


    Today, we took our old Pug called Pugsley to see Dr Cris. I just want to thank him so much for his empathy and very professional advice. The ultimate decision was left to my husband and myself, we decided that it would be wise go for euthanasia. Dr Cris handled everything in a very professional manner and step by step explained the pro's and con's of an operation to Pugsley's eye. Thank you very much, we are sad, but we know we made the right decision.

  • Bernadene Ehlers

    Bernadene Ehlers


    DR PAUL ❤️is a very good vet❤️He is taking very good care of the animals, he took very GOOD care of our dog and CAT and my HORSE❤️❤️ And also DR andre and DR chris is also very good, ALL 3 VET,S are very passionate about they,re work😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, ALL 3 VETS are very FRIENDLY😍, I WILL always SUPPORT Qatar veterinary center and ALL 3 VETS TOO

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