Qatar Veterinary Center Aziziya i الدوحة

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QatarQatar Veterinary Center Aziziya



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Off Al Awali street, Near Villagio, Latitiude and longitude: N 25° 15.299' E 51° 26.76', الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4016 1366
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Latitude: 25.254778, Longitude: 51.44612

Kommentar 5

  • nasser



    They have a new doctor from Belgium she really amazing 👍 she was so professional with "Alaska" ... the old doctors was 👎👎👎 almost I lost "Alaska" because of them

  • Simon Tanios

    Simon Tanios


    I don't know how to thanks them enough. When I visit QVC I feel visiting family members . Great Vets with care. Keep it up 👍

  • Yolande Buys

    Yolande Buys


    My pups are well looked after, whether for grooming, vaccinations or more serious issues, I will not trust anyone else! Great team, great clinic. Highly reccomended!!

  • Lakitha Hiran

    Lakitha Hiran


    I have been in Qatar for almost 20 years and have visited a lot of vets during that time. The most professional clinic I have seen is QVC. Their staff are really helpful and their retail store is always filled with food and accessories that I can buy for my boys.

  • Laura Freeland

    Laura Freeland


    All of the staff were wonderful - from the receptionist, to the veterinarian, Dr. Chris. My son and I brought in a sick stray cat. Dr. Chris quickly identified the viruses the poor cat had. He took several practical measures to determine the cat's chances for survival. In the end, it was clear it was too late to save the cat and best to euthanize the cat. I appreciated the time Dr. Chris took to help us understand the cat's condition and treatment options. He is quite compassionate and skilled in his job.

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