KFC Al Sadd i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarKFC Al Sadd



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Al Sadd Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4441 0410
Internet side: www.kfc-arabia.com
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Latitude: 25.281116, Longitude: 51.4989828

Kommentar 5

  • en

    kevin carswell


    Great service and short wait times. Bad parking but they can't help that

  • Ian Rogers

    Ian Rogers


    Not bad. You know what you're getting. Fast delivery service, even during Ramadan.

  • en

    Maher Mansour


    One of the perks of this branch is that it's usually easy to find a parking spot around it. It's usually clean and the staff is very friendly. You only might have to remind them of throwing in the dip with your meal.

  • en

    Martin Machigo


    Just loved the mighty backet of spicy chicken and French fries with pepsi.

  • Tareq Aziz

    Tareq Aziz


    This is the best KFC branch in QATAR because the taste is really good. All the foods they serves are always hot & spicy. They offer self service for drinks, so you can choose any drinks as much as you want. They have big space for its customers and guest. They have also big parking space for its customers, as well as home delivery service.

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