MRA Bakery & Restaurant i Doha

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QatarMRA Bakery & Restaurant



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Ras Abu Abboud Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4442 2072
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Latitude: 25.2801474, Longitude: 51.5370503

Kommentar 5

  • Atul Jain

    Atul Jain


    Good food however staff is not trained some time they forgot to bring order you ask for lemon tea they will ask you with milk or without milk you may have to wait for an hr also most of the time when they served you it is already cold. Worst service staff not trained. Food they put in refrigerator before they serve

  • en

    Mohamed Gazzali


    I have been many times here.. I strongly recommend this place for South Indians and for Who ever would like to try South Indian cuisine. I really loved the buffet lunch at an affordable price. Great thumps up

  • Ajay Kalithasan

    Ajay Kalithasan


    MRA with Quality mall. Very nice place for buffet. Selective verity in buffet better for Indians. I had seen also some Arabic people having the delicious buffet. Bakery also available. It is fresh too and many verity. You can also order food without buffet and enjoy your time chatting with friends and family. Also has party hall and quite a good place but not the best.

  • Preetham Hegde

    Preetham Hegde


    Nice place and affordable price. For the price you get a good quality. Daily afternoon buffet is amazing...!!! Recommending you like South Indian food...!! Try Fish curry and Fish...!!!😋

  • Hari Rohit

    Hari Rohit


    The food is good and the ambience is fine also.. It's a nice place to dine with friends or family.. pleasant staff and faster serving even at the most peak hours.

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