KFC Montazah i Doha

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QatarKFC Montazah



🕗 åbningstider

Al Bhukari Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4441 0410
Internet side: www.kfc-arabia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2717272, Longitude: 51.5291459

Kommentar 5

  • Anthony Potgieter

    Anthony Potgieter


    Poor service and portions are small big guy little drum and wing are you kidding me?

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    I think this the most popular KFC branch here in Doha, and the quality of food is Excellent but I don't like to eat 😂🙃😂

  • en

    Norien Cabasa


    This fast food is recommended for the on the go people. Those who are always in a hurry, just dropping to take away foods or just eating while waiting for somebody. This is a wise idea for people who are always busy.. sit and eat, it doesn't need glamour because it's not a fine dine in. Thumbs up for home delivery through Talabat..👍👍

  • Sushma Nair

    Sushma Nair


    We are a regular visitor of this place. Great food and great taste.... They have a wide variety of options like dinner meal for 2 for 1 and for family also. Der must try is the spicy french fries. The Spicer version is very yummy if you like the spicy food. The newly launched krushers are also very good and u can upgrade ur soft drink just by spending a little extra....

  • Nauman Shaikh

    Nauman Shaikh


    Not crazy about KFC. But had this crazy craving. So searched and got the location. Place was not clean. Is part of a Convenient store. Service was ok . Only plus was food was good.

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