City Center Cinema i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarCity Center Cinema


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4493 4999
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Latitude: 25.3246884, Longitude: 51.5290258

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Abtah

    Ahmad Abtah


    Old cinema but with good price.cinema no 1 is the best.huge and good sound system.

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    Doha Film City The film city is a contemporary recreation of an antique Arabic village nestled behind a canyon in the desert of the Zekreet peninsula. The Film City is located in one of Qatar’s truly fantastic site that is entirely deserted. The visitors really feel as they may have stepped into one of the ghost towns in the American west; with anomalous palm trees rather than tumbleweeds afford a visual treat in the never-ending arid landscape.

  • Ketul Madhvani

    Ketul Madhvani


    A really huge and nice cinema. No complains. Also it is very clean and the support staff makes sure that there is no dirt on the floor

  • Terry Smith

    Terry Smith


    Centrally located Mall in Doha, City Center has all the current movies and a strong food court to support this level of entertainment. I work in Saudi, so movie theaters are just opening. City Center is about to go under a massive renovation!!! Great news.

  • Asif Gohar

    Asif Gohar


    Nice big cinema but the green exit lights are a bit irritating. Good variety of shows. Nearby food court has the biggest variety of foods. The international brands are good to discover before movie if you buy tickets..

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