Roxy Cinemas Theatre i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarRoxy Cinemas Theatre


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4017 1614
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Latitude: 25.2201735, Longitude: 51.5422461

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Anthony MMR


    Lovely Cinemas, clean and friendly staff... good image brightness and crystal clear sound system... snack area nice offering good food and drinks... separate VIP section with separate concession area...

  • Bijoy Mukundan

    Bijoy Mukundan


    Ideally located and easy to get through

  • Douglas Lee

    Douglas Lee


    Great VIP section. Nice reclining chairs and food service while seated.

  • Kotni Patro

    Kotni Patro


    Theatre ambience, seating space, sound, cleanliness, are very good... staffs are friendly. Plenty parking space. Location seems bit interior as there is no direct connection with the highway. Food and beverage section have varieties of collection to choose for. Price is reasonable.

  • Roshen Sandrasegaram

    Roshen Sandrasegaram


    Has 2 halls with multiple screens, just one qeue to buy snacks but not very crowded, its clean and staff are really nice. Sadly audio quality is very poor and so is the brightess of the screen. The floor lights after dark are too bright and really disrupts the visibility of the screen. The space between rows are very limited so have to keep standing for anyone to pass by.

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