Flik Cinemas i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarFlik Cinemas



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Al Mirqab Al Jadeed Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4442 0838
Internet side: www.flikcinemas.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2732168, Longitude: 51.5030367

Kommentar 5

  • Raghunathan Dhandapani

    Raghunathan Dhandapani


    Located inside Mirqab Mall.. Sufficient parking available and it’s free.. It’s not so crowded.. Tickets are cheap compared to other theatres in the city.. I went there thrice and had an awesome cinema experience.. Comfy seats, mild AC temp, Big Screen and superb sound quality!! Recommended to visit!!

  • en

    Deborah O'Connor


    The mall is still pretty vacant but really beautiful and oh so peaceful. The waterfall display is spectacular.

  • Sahil Kad

    Sahil Kad


    The latest Multiplex in the Brand New Mirqab Mall. I have never had a problem in getting seats (seen two movies) The Screens are superb... Audio is great... Only problem is the seats are kinda hard and DO NOT Recline but are comfortable enough. The Popcorn sizes are Huge and both the times I got Freshly made Popcorn... Kinda Limited Menu, u have Popcorn (Salted, Cheese and Caramel), Nachos, Hot Dogs, Ice Creams etc.

  • en



    The seats are comfy, A/C is ok, ticket is cheap and the food a bit pricey. Audio and Visual is a 10. If only they did not immediately switched the very bright lights on as the closing credits starts to roll --- it should be 5★ movie-watching experience. The INTENSE & BRIGHT LIGHTS totally ate up the whole screen so people who stayed up for the closing credit visuals, mid-credit and post-credit sequence did not see anything at all (i watched the Black Panther Movie). I wish they have subtle dim lighting and keep the lights low or off until each scene has completed.

  • Yara Odeh

    Yara Odeh


    Great cinema. Much cheaper than the others. We watched a 3D movie for 35qr each. The gold seats are 40qr.They are not the best seats. They are supposed to be reclining but they only recline a little when you push back on the chair. They have great service. The fire alarm went off during the movie so they quickly announced that they will give us free vouchers to come back next time. They ended up giving each person 2 gold seat tickets

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