Novo Cinemas, The Pearl i Doha

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QatarNovo Cinemas, The Pearl



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Doha, Qatar, Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4418 5736
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Latitude: 25.366248, Longitude: 51.550126

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Abtah

    Ahmad Abtah


    Nice new cinema with alot of movie choices

  • en

    mehmet aksoy


    It has a nice ambiance. It has a very big screen so if you want to see all the details you need to sit towards back

  • Ni Kyr

    Ni Kyr


    Please fix the climate temperature its always too cold; set it for an optimal 21 deg. C.

  • Shaf Alam

    Shaf Alam


    Generally a nice cinema complex although I think the value for money is poor. I opted for the edge seats for 65qr and felt that the seat was very uncomfortable, it reclines but the lack of leg room made it pointless. I've paid the same for VIP seats elsewhere and feel the experience was a lot better. After a little further investigation I found out that they provide a 7 star service but at 150qr. Its a little steep for the same vip seats you could get elsewhere. NB: I have been informed that 50qr of which goes towards food and drink so in light of this I think the value has improved albeit a little. Picture and sound were of good quality. Food and drinks were as you'd expect. Located in the iconic pearl, close to great dining options so if you have a hot date it could be worth the visit.

  • Mubarak Fahad

    Mubarak Fahad


    I love the IMAX cinema. Also quite and surrounded by many coffee shops and restaurants

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